Tuesdays 8pm | Angela & Keith

We meet every other Tuesday on Zoom to share in prayer and explore the Bible together. Previously, we’ve used videos from the Bible Project to help us dig deeper into the Bible and explore what it means to follow Jesus today.

Wednesday’s 12.30pm | Lynn & Katherine

We’re a group of mostly retired adults meeting every week on a Wednesday lunchtime to explore Scripture together. We’re a lively chatty bunch and always make time to pray for each other as well as encouraging one another to engage more deeply with the Bible.

Friday’s 8pm | Liz

Meeting alternate Friday evenings on WhatsApp Video calls, we’re an open and friendly group. Many of us have young families, so we always keep our meetings flexible. We encourage everyone to share something they’ve been learning on their faith journey, but all are welcome to listen or ask questions if that’s what you’d prefer!

Church isn’t just for Sundays…

Join our online community on Facebook and Instagram and share the message of Jesus wherever you are and whenever you want. Don’t forget to give us a ‘like’ and a ‘follow’ to stay up to date with all of our news, events and online teaching at Oasis Community Church.

Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand. It is the greatest gift anyone can give.